3: Testing How To
Follow these steps to submit a test job
using the UI:
(before proceeding you should have a valid Grid Proxy issued: see here for more information)
- mkdir Test
- save this testjob file in the
"Test" directory under the name put3test.jdl
- cd Test
- edg-job-submit --vo cms put3test.jdl
- Once the job is submitted one gets a job ID URL (a https link)
- Now to see the status of this submitted job type: edg-job-status JobIDURL
- One can try 2-3 times to see if the job
finished without errors with above command
- Status of the jobs are: Scheduled, Done (Success) NB:
exit code should be 0 in case of success
- Now retrieve the output of the
successfully finished job by:
- edg-job-get-output
you are done with this simple test, you can proceed with the regular
CMSSW CRAB job submission test.
Vipin Bhatnagar
Created 9th Oct., 2007